street level

美 [striːt ˈlevl]英 [striːt ˈlevl]
  • 街道标高
street levelstreet level
  1. My office is at street level .


  2. The reception desk is not at street level , which is a little disconcerting .


  3. Building owners were faced with a choice : either change the first floors of their buildings into basements , and the second stories into main floors , or hoist the entire buildings to meet the new street level .


  4. The problems we are facing are mainly street level pollution and regional smog .


  5. The street level was elevated to prevent flooding .


  6. At street level , the quake felt like an underground train passing close ;


  7. The couple both personally operation , the street level , Basket salesman .


  8. Air pollution on underground trains tend to be less toxic than that at street level .


  9. His apartment is on the first floor , that is , the floor at street level .


  10. Doorways and alcoves on street level are a better option .


  11. The subtleties of trademark law have yet to trickle down to the street level .


  12. At street level , many Egyptians were delighted by the assault on the embassy .


  13. But at the street level in Greece , there is little debate anymore , if there ever was .


  14. A moment later he steps onto a moving stairway that takes him rapidly up to the street level .


  15. The system uses dynamic mode of management , design , build a province , city , district and the street level network model of population information management system .


  16. Normally , it is relatively straightforward to provide a ramped connection between the existing street level system and the underground extension .


  17. Even better is the location of this instal-at street level , allowing people to enjoy it all hours of the day .


  18. If your home or apartment is at street level , you can add grates or grilles to protect windows .


  19. Quan 's home is a hole in the ground - a utility compartment three meters below street level providing access to underground heating pipes .


  20. Viewed from the upper street level , they become an important sculptural icon that identifies the park within the fabric of the overall site .


  21. At street level , relatives and friends gathered anxiously to look through a list of names or held each other and just cried .


  22. You can already see the planet from space , dive down to the street level and see incredible detail in360-degree panoramas .


  23. We felt it while rolling underneath Times Square on the N train , just about the time that the big outdoor party on street level was breaking up .


  24. We live on a corner , higher than street level , and the entire side of the yard is encased by a professionally built rock wall .


  25. Below A street level view up a ZED scheme mews , with terraced gardens above shops facing the residential element on the left hand side .


  26. At street level , there is a sense that the city is becoming less Hong Kong and more mainland Chinese in character and that the lines between both are blurring .


  27. in New York , for instance , along parts of Third Avenue monotonous residential towers are subdivided on street level into small , irregular shops and cafes ;


  28. In British English the floor of a building at street level is thebground floorband the floor above that is thebfirst floor .


  29. At street level , there is a sense that the city is becoming less " Hong Kong " and more mainland Chinese in character and that the lines between both are blurring .


  30. Because she spends her days at street level , and because neighboring houses are close by , she has been able to observe perpetrator activities to an extent many victims can 't.
